People Are Absolutely Not Stoked On The Viral Spring Breakers Video

It’s time to start thinking about Spring Break 2020 in a totally different way. This year, it’s less “party chaos” and more “pandemic chaos.” As much fun as movies like Spring Breakers make the season seem, there is nothing fun about the possibility of contracting the coronavirus, giving it to a vulnerable party if you yourself aren’t one, and then… killing them.

Images of crowded beaches are tearing across social media as college kids continue to flock to beaches in states that have yet to close them down. CBS News shared a widely circulated video that shows spring breakers in Florida totally aware of the global pandemic, but not at all alarmed.

“If I get corona, I get corona. At the end of the day, I’m not gonna let it stop me from partying… We’re just out here having a good time. Whatever happens, happens,” says Brady Sluder, a student from Ohio interviewed by CBS. Elsewhere, AL reports that spring breakers flooding Alabama’s private and public beaches are similarly unconcerned. “The only corona here is the one I’m drinking,” says Scotty Grier, “It’s not worse than other flu viruses. Bird flu and swine flu killed more. It’s a way for the government to trick people… Young people today have the immune system of an ox.”

Right Scotty, you are immortal, you can actually fly. NBC Houston reports that Texas spring breakers are also ignoring social distancing guidelines. One spring breaker, Lilly Sale, got pushback for posting a photo with the hashtag #coronawho. The post has since been removed.

On the flip side, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci, told a concerned young American straight up on CNN’s State of the Union, “You are not immune or safe from getting seriously ill,” adding, “When you look at the total numbers, it’s overwhelmingly weighted towards the elderly and those with underlying conditions… the virus isn’t a mathematical formula. There are going to be people who are young who are going to wind up getting seriously ill.”

Recent information suggests that asymptomatic and mild cases may have fueled the initial spread, which can be deadly explains Fauci. “Even though you don’t get seriously ill, you could bring it to a person who would bring it to a person that would bring it to your grandfather, your grandmother, or your elderly relative… that’s why everybody’s got to take this seriously, even the young.”

Unfortunately — some aren’t listening to scientists. Granted, we’re painting with a broad brush here, college kids who attend spring break are not indicative of the behavior of an entire generation. Hopefully the dickish among us heed the advice of their more responsible and conscientious peers and favorite celebrities who are calling for people to do their part and stay inside.

Moments ago, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis appeared on Fox & Friends and announced that more stringent measures will be put in place to make sure young people stop congregating in large numbers on the beach.

“The message I think for spring breakers is that the party’s over in Florida, You’re not going to be able to congregate on any beach in the state… Many of the hot spots that people like to go to… are closed entirely for the time being… The bars are closed so you’re not going to have a place to congregate there, so we would just tell those folks maybe come back next year when things are better.” DeSantis added that every beach will now abide by CDC guidelines which allow gatherings of up to 10 people with social distancing. Sheriff’s will be deployed on ATVs to ensure gatherings stay small.