The War On Drugs’ Adam Granduciel Teased Rough Mixes Of Three New Songs

As our own Steven Hyden pointed out this morning, new music from The War On Drugs seems to be imminent. Adam Granduciel went live on the band’s Instagram to let fans know that new mixes for a record were “75-80 percent done” before the shutdown hit:

The Instagram Live feature records each stream and archives them for 24 hours, so you’ve got about 5 more hours to check the stream out on their Instagram. The band began playing some new shows toward the end of last year, so everything points to an imminent release. However, with the spread of Coronavirus and the concern to public health, pretty much all tours and concerts have been postponed indefinitely.

During the livestream, which Adam dubbed #QuaranTones (because of the quarantine, natch), he said he’s been working on the record for about two years, beginning in November of 2018. He explains a Seinfeld joke behind the title of his studio “1Q” — from the episode “The Pothole” where Elaine gets flounder delivered and turns the janitor’s closet into “1Q,” and then finally begins playing rough mixes of songs. Adam shares the song title “Victim,” another one called “I Don’t Want To Wait,” and a third called “Harmonious Dream.” Adam also played an acoustic version of “In Reverse,” off 2014’s Lost In The Dream.

Possibly the best part of the whole stream is watching Adam excitedly greet his friends when they join the livestream. If this quarantine continues, we’re definitely going to need more livestreams. And once the pandemic is finally contained, we’re definitely going to need a new War On Drugs album.