The Coachella Stage Crew Is Building Temporary Hospital Structures To Help With Coronavirus Treatment

Coachella was one of the first major music festivals to change its 2020 plans in response to the coronavirus pandemic, which helped set a precedent, as most other fests have since taken similar precautions. The festival is now set to take place in October, so until then, the folks responsible for Coachella’s on-site infrastructure are doing something different: Choura Events and Gallagher Staging have decided to use the resources that normally bring a huge festival to life to help in the fight against the coronavirus.

The Los Angeles Times recently published a feature that looks at how the companies are building triage tents and temporary hospital structures so there are more resources available for doctors to treat coronavirus patients.

Choura Events founder Ryan Choura said of their recent goings-on, “We pivoted so fast to being a rapid-response disaster relief team. If I didn’t know how to do Coachella, I couldn’t do this hospital. I saw patients coming in here and saw what they looked like. This is real, and we’ve got to move.”

Gallagher Staging’s Joey Gallagher also said, “We’re an industry that moves faster than anyone. We’ll install an entire city on a blank slate. We have everything available: Wi-Fi, radios, generators, lighting, restrooms, and wash stations. We can build a small city in a day or two, and that’s a need right now.”

Read the full feature here.