Cardi B Is Reportedly Being Sued For Calling Her Sister’s MAGA Harassers ‘Racist’

Earlier this month, Cardi B went public when she claimed her sister was harassed by beachgoers in the Hamptons. According to Cardi, her sister and her sister’s girlfriend were spending the day at the beach when a group of people, one of whom was wearing a MAGA hat, asked them to move their car and later allegedly spouted insults. Cardi posted a video of the encounter on social media, calling the beachgoers’ actions “racist.” But now, the same people in the video are reportedly suing Cardi over publicizing the encounter.

TMZ broke the story, saying Cardi is now getting sued for defamation. Apparently, the MAGA-supporting beachgoers claim in the lawsuit that Cardi and her sister edited the video to “falsely” paint them as racist.

While Cardi hasn’t responded to the lawsuit, she did post a detailed explanation of the situation at the time. According to her sister, they obliged when the group asked them to move their car but the altercation didn’t end there. Apparently, the men approached the couple once again and told them, “Go back to your own country.”

This isn’t the first time Cardi said she and her family were harassed by Trump supporters. Earlier this month, the rapper went on Instagram Live and recounted the time a Trump supporter posted her address online and she had to get the police involved. “Sh*t gets so intense that a Trump supporter posted my address and encouraged people to dox my home, to put my house on fire. […] I literally hired a private investigator, and served them with a warrant and arrested this boy.” Cardi went on to say she found out the boy was, in fact, a teenager. “His parents were shook,” she said.

Cardi B is a Warner Music artist. .