Stephen A. Smith Is The Only Person Using Twitter’s New Fleets Function Properly

On Tuesday, Twitter introduced a new function called “Fleets,” which are just Instagram stories for your Twitter account. It gathered mixed reviews, from some excited to bring the story concept to Twitter where they may have a much larger following than on IG to those confused as to what the point of them was.

We’ll have to see how well Fleets catch on — and they’ll surely become a bit of a thing — but no one will use them better than Stephen A. Smith did on the first day of the function. ESPN’s most famous talking head, who appears on seemingly every show the network has and has even become a ubiquitous presence in commercials for everything from Comcast to the new Spider-Man: Miles Morales game, also has a history of some legendary tweets. Many of them have become longtime favorites because you can hear the indignation of the tweets in his exact voice — i.e., him being appalled at a user with the handle @BiblesNBlowjobs — as you read them, while others were accidental errors that never got deleted, like this perfect tweet from 2015.

Five years later, Stephen A. has become very self-aware of his Twitter reputation and some of the tweets that people love, and as such, he debuted his first Fleet by poking fun at himself in an incredible way.


It’s perfect. I don’t know if someone at ESPN assists Smith with his social media at this point or if this was all on his own, but either way it’s sensational.