Indie Mixtape 20: Vial Want To Have Dinner With Lizzo

Minneapolis quartet Vial make raucous punk rock that sounds like something that would have been on the iconic (to me at least) 2012 compilation The Thing That Ate Larry Livermore. They’re the type of band you’d see in a basement and leave saying “they’re going to do big things.” The band’s debut full-length Loudmouth was released earlier this year, expanding on their vision and illustrating a bright future for the band.

To celebrate Loudmouth, KT Branscom and Taylor Kraemer sat down to talk Warped Tour, Twilight, and grandma’s cooking in the latest Indie Mixtape 20 Q&A.

What are four words you would use to describe your music?

Cathartic, unapologetic, fun, and rebellious.

It’s 2050 and the world hasn’t ended and people are still listening to your music. How would you like it to be remembered?

Best consumed in a group of friends in a car, screaming the words out open windows.

What’s your favorite city in the world to perform?

We have never performed outside of Minneapolis really, but a dream location to play would be London.

Who’s the person who has most inspired your work, and why?

I’d say either Rex Orange County or Sidney Gish. They’re very different musicians style-wise, but their lyrical content is always inspiring me.

Where did you eat the best meal of your life?

My grandma’s house. No one can beat her cooking.

What album do you know every word to?

Frankie Cosmos — Next Thing

What was the best concert you’ve ever attended?

Probably Warped Tour! I went from 2016-2019 and every year was great.

What is the best outfit for performing and why?

A dress with biker shorts underneath! Nice and breezy, moveable, and comfortable!

Who’s your favorite person to follow on Twitter and/or Instagram?

I love following the band Hoity-Toity because they both make amazing music and they’re hilarious on social media.

What’s your most frequently played song in the van on tour?

We’ve never toured! But we most frequently listen to “King For A Day” by Pierce The Veil to get hyped for shows.

What’s the last thing you Googled?

I think it was a cheat that I needed to use in The Sims to manually give my sims money.

What album makes for the perfect gift?

I would kill to be gifted a My Chemical Romance album. Specifically Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge.

Where’s the weirdest place you’ve ever crashed while on tour?

We’ve never toured! But when we went to Rochester, Minnesota, for a festival, we camped out in our friend’s parents’ backyard.

What’s the story behind your first or favorite tattoo?

My first tattoo was a stick n poke that I did on my finger. It’s faded now, unfortunately, but it was my first ever tat. My favorite tattoo is my only “real” tattoo which is a melting Frankenstein skull.

What artists keep you from flipping the channel on the radio?

Any local band-friends of ours! Otherwise, also Fleetwood Mac, Joanie Mitchell, Lizzo, Mitski, and Lil Nas X!

What’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?

My bandmates put together a faux graduation ceremony for me since I graduated high school in the middle of the pandemic. It was a complete surprise filled with snacks, gifts, and so much love! I almost cried it made me so happy!

What’s one piece of advice you’d go back in time to give to your 18-year-old self?

You can’t control how/what people think about you, so don’t lose your mind over it.

What’s the last show you went to?

Our show with Gully Boys, Bugsy, and Dad Bod at Fine Line!

What movie can you not resist watching when it’s on TV?

Any Twilight film or Good Burger.

What would you cook if Obama were coming to your house for dinner?

Unsure how to feel about a dinner with Obama, but if it were dinner with, perhaps, Lizzo: Definitely a nice citrus-y risotto.

Loudmouth is out now via Get Better Records. Pick it up here.