Sarah Sherman Certainly Gave Colin Jost A Hard Time During Her Appearance On ‘SNL’ Weekend Update

SNL has three new “featured players” this season, one of whom, James Austin Johnson, does a top shelf Donald Trump. Then there’s Sarah Sherman. Nicknamed “Sarah Squirm,” the Chicago comic is best known for her absurdist, sometimes disgusting body humor, which she’s had to tone down on her first season so far. But if she can’t do graphic bits about fluids, she can roast the everloving hell out of Colin Jost.

Sherman swung by Weekend Update on Saturday’s Jonathan Majors-Taylor Swift episode, and she wasted little time in targeting one of the co-hosts, as well as the show itself. “First of all, why is it live?” Sherman said. “Don’t you think that’s a little scary, Colin? I could say something right now that could ruin my life and yours!” When Jost asked her not to do that, she said: “I kind of want to! I’m crazy! Anything could happen, I could have a nip-slip right now!”

When Jost made a joke about nipple slipping, Sherman returned with a fake headline. “This just in: local pervert Colin Jost claims he’s seen most people’s nipples,” she replied. When he tried to dig him out of the hole, Sherman kept kicking him back down, accusing him of mansplaining and of being overly concerned that she’s one of the few Jewish cast members on the show.

Sherman raked Jost over the coals so much that after she belittled his suit jacket, his co-anchor, Michael Che, joined in. “She got you, man, you suck,” he joked.

You can watch Sherman’s Weekend Update appearance above.