Tucker Carlson Wants To See Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Law School Admission Test Scores, Because Of Course He Does

In 2018, when Christine Blasey Ford and other women accused then-Supreme Court Justice nominee Bret Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting them in the past, Tucker Carlson was heralding the beer-loving judge as a “folk hero” and “inspiration to millions” (though he has since turned on him). But the Fox News host doesn’t seem as confident in the skills of Ketanji Brown Jackson, Joe Biden’s pick to replace U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Stephen Breyer, who Jackson once clerked for.

Hmmmm…. why ever could that be?

Jackson is a Harvard Law School graduate, just like Breyer and fellow Justices John Roberts, Elena Kagan, and Neil Gorsuch.

She was an editor of the Harvard Law Review, just like Breyer, Roberts, and Kagan (not to mention Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Antonin Scalia).

In 2009, Barack Obama nominated Jackson to become vice-chair of the United States Sentencing Commission—a nomination that was unanimously confirmed in early 2010.

She’s been a well-respected judge for a decade, and is even related to former GOP vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan for chrissakes (through marriage).

But darn it if Tucker isn’t buying that Jackson is qualified enough to sit on the highest court in the land. And now he’s taking it one step further by demanding that we see her LSAT scores. As Mediaite reports, Carlson had some questions on his Wednesday night show:

“So, is Ketanji Brown Jackson—a name that even Joe Biden has trouble pronouncing – one of the top legal minds in the entire country? We certainly hope so. Biden’s right. Appointing her is one of his gravest constitutional duties. So it might be time for Joe Biden to let us know what Ketanji Brown Jackson’s LSAT score was. How did she do on the LSATs? Why wouldn’t you tell us that? That would settle the question conclusively as to whether she’s a once-in-a-generation legal talent, the next Learned Hand. It would seem like Americans in a democracy have a right to know that and much more before giving her a lifetime appointment, but we didn’t hear that.”

Between 2017 and 2020, Trump confirmed a whopping three new Justices to the Supreme Court, and Carlson never made a peep about LSAT scores or anything else. So what is it about Jackson that seems to have him so skeptical? Surely it’s not the fact that… wait, no, it couldn’t be because she’s a Black woman… right?

Sounds like a case for the Supreme Court to figure out.

(Via Mediaite)