Dean Cain To America’s Unemployed: Get A Job! Jon Stewart To Dean Cain: F*ck You!

I haven’t watched a lot of Fox News lately — or any at all, actually — so I had no idea that Fox has been using a graphic of a giant hand bursting through America’s heartland when they do segments on all you lazy welfare queens out there living it up on unemployment benefits. But they are, as evidenced below…

I also did not know that Dean Cain, who these days is hosting a reality show in which contestants hunt for Big Foot, has been appearing on Fox News recently to provide the Hollywood perspective on our nation of freeloading employed people.

“Have you seen some of the movies I’ve done? Do you think I wanted to do all of those movies? I gotta be honest, sometimes you have to go to work,” Cain said in the Fox and Friends clip. “It might not be the job you want, but you take the job.”

Stewart then retorted: “Actor Dean Cain is right. I don’t care if the auto parts plant shut down after 40 years. Get your ass off your couch, stop eating those bon-bons, and star in ‘The Dog Who Saved Christmas’.”

Here’s part one of the segment…

And here’s part two…