A New Term Is Born: Kesha’s Mother Blames Record Executives For Her ‘Weight Bullying’

So last week, as Andrew Roberts (who by the way is impossibly thin – *eats two bon-bons*) wrote about, Ke$ha checked herself into rehab for an eating disorder. Luckily, Mother Ke$ha checked herself in as well to help her deal with her problem$.

Well, fresh outta rehab, Pebe Sebert (solid name, that) told the media that all is not well with her daughter – and record execs are to blame for the “Weight Bullying”.

“One time on a conference call, [Ke$ha’s former manager, David Sonenberg] was screaming, ‘You need to lose weight! I don’t care what you do … take drugs, not eat, stick your finger down your throat!'”

Wait, aren’t those the lyrics to her latest single?

“I’ve watched my beautiful, self-confident, brilliant daughter be berated and ridiculed for her looks and weight to the point that she almost died,” Sebert says.

“The doctors told me her blood pressure and sodium levels were so low, they’d never seen it that low except with someone who’d had a heart attack or stroke. They said it was a miracle she hadn’t already dropped dead on stage.”

According to Sebert, the worst culprit is the man who makes every single song you hate, producer Dr. Luke:

“He has just always been very disrespectful about her weight. He’d say it in certain ways, like ‘Why don’t you try running?’ She was doing everything and not getting thin fast enough, and that’s when she first became bulimic.”

I’m not 100% sure “Why don’t you try running?” is that big an insult. I tell that to myself every morning in the mirror before collapsing in a heap of tears and chocolate.

Much like UPROXX writers, pop singers are under major pressure to look good. It just comes with the territory. Still, no matter which way you look at it, eating disorders are awful, and I hate that any woman would feel the need to cover for her talent by changing the way she looks. On the other hand, we’re talking about Ke$ha, someone who can’t sing and spells her name with a dollar sign. Also, she DOES look pretty damn good in the Timber video.

So, in the end, eat what you want girls. Unless you want to be famous, in that case don’t eat anything ever again.

Image via Getty Images. Story via People.