Good News for Those Still Suffering from ‘Battlestar’ Blues

Two NUGGETS of good news for “Battlestar Galactica” fans, who haven’t had any since March 6, 2009, the week before part one of the show’s worst-than-the-final-episode-of-“Lost” finale aired:

-“Portlandia” is planning an episode-long tribute to Ronald D. Moore’s reboot, and now there’s a poster and a clip. It’s pretty funny – Fred and Carrie go on a “BSG” binge and end up losing their jobs because of it – but they got something wrong: THEY LIKED THE FINALE. And as previously stated, the finale is fracking awful. (After watching the episode(s), “Game of Thrones” author George R.R. Martin wrote on his blog, “Looks like somebody skipped Writing 101, when you learn that a deus ex machina is a crappy way to end a story.”)

-The pilot for Moore’s failed fantasy cop drama, “17th Precinct,” has leaked online. It features much of the same cast as “BSG,” including Tricia “Dog Cop Show” Helfer, but unlike the amazing pilot of “BSG,” it’s not very good. The first line of dialogue: “Oil, electricity, coal: the power that drives modern society. But what if science had never been invented? What if we relied on magic?” That’s goofy even by NBC standards. Why is this good news for “BSG” fans? Because it’ll make them appreciate every post-finale episode that much more.

17th Precinct from ddt73 on Vimeo.

UPDATE: The thing about leaked footage is that it wasn’t meant to be released, which is why the clip above appears to be — and is — a whole lot of nothing. So, no more “17th Precinct.” You didn’t miss anything.