Reality Show Pilot for Cheerleading Playmate? Yes, Please

There are few things in the world I love more than college football and the accompanying hottie cheerleaders. Unfortunately for me, I made the unfortunate decision of going to school in the Big East, where the only thing that looks worse than the cheerleaders is Greg Paulus under throwing receivers while wearing uncomfortably tight football pants.

I say this only because college football makes me miss my home in the South, where the football and cheerleaders are almost equally entertaining, but for completely different reasons. Case in point, the above pictured Taylor Corley. Taylor, a freshman at Mississippi State, is a now former member of the school’s cheerleading team, who posed for Playboy this past November. Now, it appears that Corley is setting her college education aside to pursue a career in reality television.

Corley on her future with Playboy:

I’ve been in contact with Playboy, I actually was on the Playboy Morning Show on Playboy Radio this (Wednesday) morning! I’m also in the running for Model of the Year 2011!

Corley, who is from Atlanta, on the reality show pilot for which she’s been cast:

I am about to start a new reality TV series called Girl Swagg, it’s a pilot for MTV/VH1 and I’m very excited to move forward with that. This has been planned for a few months now though. I do not have any representation yet, as of right now my mom is just helping me with everything! –Sports by Brooks

Being a white, college educated male between the ages of 18 and 24, I find myself in the advantageous position of having heavy influence on what shows networks decide to run. So please, please MTV and VH1, green light a season of Corley’s show. I know it’s going to be really, really stupid, but I could look into Taylor’s doe brown eyes for a century and only want more. And let’s be honest with each other, you’re the same people who broadcast Basketball Wives and Teen Mom. It’s not like you have any programing standards anyway.

Here is a link to some NSFW the pictures from Taylor’s very, very NSFW Playboy shoot. Spoiler alert: they’re amazing.