Despite Her Best Efforts, Courtney Love Has Not Found Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370

While the mysteries surrounding the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 have both terrified and fascinated so many people, the reality is that through all of the speculation and desire to fuel the 24-hour news cycles, there are still families that desperately need answers right now. Unfortunately, that’s not going to stop the countless people out there who have thoughts and ideas about what might have happened to the plane, and earlier today, Courtney Love decided that it was time for her to weigh in.

The map search website Tomnod announced that in order to help solve the mystery of MH370’s disappearance, it had expanded the coverage available on its map. Through that site, Love, who admits that she is “obsessed” with the disappearance, apparently started looking at some sections of ocean and she focused on one specific area that featured… something.

What exactly are we supposed to be looking at? Allow Courtney to be a little more accurate.

It’s really, really, really easy to make fun of Love, because she’s, well, Courtney Love, but she told the Daily Intelligencer that she’s honestly concerned for everyone involved in this terrible situation, and she’s sincerely trying to help.

“I mean I don’t know anything about aviation per se,” added Love via text.

“I saw an article asked people to help search on so I decided to give it a shot,” she explained of her methods. “I figured a plane would still be leaking some fuel so I searched for signs of an oil slick. I found one and there appeared to be an object nearby. I don’t know if it is the plane or not, but I figured I’d do my part and bring some awareness to the site, for the sake of all the families involved.”

“I hope they find the plane, I pray they’re still alive, it’s sad and my heart goes out to all those involved,” she said. “It’s the least I can do.”

Unfortunately, the people at Tomnod have already refuted Love’s theory, but that shouldn’t stop her or anyone else from looking.