Snoop Dogg Was On ‘The Price Is Right’ Yesterday

When I was a kid I LOVED The Price Is Right. Basically, I wanted to be Bob Barker. Just ask anyone in my family. I’d go around making anyone who came over to the house participate in pretend episodes of the show. I, of course, played the host. One year for Christmas someone in my family actually got me one of those long, skinny microphones like the one Barker used. It was really on then.

So I was actually a little envious when I saw Snoop Dogg on the show yesterday during the Showcase Showdown presenting the showcases to be bid on by the final contestants, in addition to announcing the winner at the end. But hey, it’s good to be Snoop Dogg, right? And, in all fairness, he performed pretty well. CBS should kick Drew Carey to the curb and give the keys to the TPIR car to Snoop.

Anyway, here’s the first part of Snoop’s appearance…

And part two…

Finally, here’s a behind the scenes video CBS posted on its website…