‘The Foodroom’ Is Amy Schumer’s Perfect Fast Food Parody Of ‘The Newsroom’

We should probably be giving Amy Schumer more coverage. Dustin touched on last week’s flawless episode of Inside Amy Schumer — a wet dream for fans of filthy-yet-poignant satire (think: Jonathan Swift championing the eating of the female anatomy instead of poor Irish children) — when he posted the Finger Blasting sketch, but the show really deserves more praise than we’ve been allotting it.

This week Schumer tosses another entry onto her growing pile of great sketches: “The Foodroom.” In “the latest drama from Aaron Sorkin,” the manager of a fast food restaurant (Sorkin vet Josh Charles) fights against the pressure to offer healthy options. The sketch has walk-and-talks and unrealistic dialogue and other hate-watchable Sorkin tropes, all pleasantly injected with Schumer’s trademark filth.

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