Important: The Best Character On ‘Game Of Thrones’ Isn’t Returning This Season

I watched the first 33 episodes of Game of Thrones waiting for the 34th. Everything that happened before it didn’t matter — Ned Stark? Never heard of him. The Golden Crown? Whatever. Hot Pie’s hot pies? Try again. Then finally, in “Oathkeeper,” we saw him, the one true king of the Seven Kingdoms on the imposter’s bed: SER POUNCE. And now he’s being taken away from us.

An HBO rep tells us that his royal meowness, whom the late Joffrey once threatened to skin alive and feed to his brother, doesn’t turn up in any of the six episodes remaining in season four, and that there’s “no word” yet on whether the blink-and-you’ll-miss-him feline will be back to guest-star on the show in future years. (Via)

Farewell, Ser Pounce. You were too fluffy for this world.

Via Vulture