UPROXX 20: Megan Stevenson Of ‘Review’ Has A Nice, Big Coffee Table Book She’d Like To Give Eli Manning

Megan Stevenson is an actress probably best known for her portrayal of A.J. Gibbs on Comedy Central’s delightful and brilliant Review. Additionally, the former ballet dancer and Fordham grad portrayed Megan Conray on UPROXX favorite Franklin & Bash and has appeared on shows like Bones, Californication and 30 Rock in guest-starring roles.

Megan was nice enough to take a few minutes out of her busy schedule recently to answer a few questions from us.

1. You walk into a bar. What do your order from the bartender?

Well, if this is a place of my choosing, then I’m at a bar within a Mexican restaurant. I’m sitting at the outside patio on a sunny day, at a happy hourish time and I very happily order a margarita on the rocks with salt. I enjoy margaritas! However, there is a very crucial element to this drink order. It is essential that I have chips and salsa to accompany my margarita. Reason being, I will undoubtedly have more than 1 of these fine beverages and at the 2 drink mark, if there is no food in near reach (to absorb some of the alcohol), I will transform into my “tequila monster” self. “Tequila Monster” is very well known by my closest of friends and while she may be humorous at times, there is NO telling what she may say or do. And there is no stopping her when she gets her mind made up. It can be quite frightening.

Besides margarita’s, I order red wine or prosecco. Fortunately, there is no “alter ego personality” side effect with these beverages….just a heavy dose of what I call my “extreme hiccups.” They will rear their ugly head during glass number 2 and will not stop until I put myself to bed. No amount of holding my breath or drinking water while hanging upside down will get rid of them. They are some very serious hiccups.

To sum this answer up…the bartender should avoid ever serving me a second drink!

2. Who’s your favorite person to follow on Twitter?

I need more time to answer this question. I started my Twitter life a month ago and am still in the “first base” stage with it.

3. What’s currently waiting for you on your DVR/TiVO?

Anthony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown, Will and Grace, I Love Lucy, Veep, 60 Minutes, The Colbert Report, and a ton of movies from the 40’s.

4. It’s your last meal — what are you going out with?

Yikes! Am I dying? Have I spent all my savings and can only afford one more meal? Or am I starting a fast that will last forever? I don’t like thinking about this.

But since I must, here goes….champagne to start, then on to a kale ceasar salad. The main course is pepperoni pizza with jalapenos alongside the pasta that I love (but always forget the name of) from The Tasting Kitchen. I would alternate between the two dishes. Elsewhere on the table there would be my sister-in-laws famous garlic bread and a really nice bottle of red wine (preferably a Mourvedre blend). When I’ve had a sufficient amount of stomach prep time and am ready for dessert…it is a very cold glass of 2% milk with a chocolate glazed donut from Randy’s Donuts. Oh yum.

5. What websites do you visit on a regular basis?

www.ted.com (I have a major addiction to watching TED talks), www.freepeople.com and www.thereformation.com (where I will get sucked into an online shopping trance!) and wikipedia.

6. What’s the most frequently played song on your iPod?

Right now its “Walk and Talk” by Benoit & Sergio and the live version of “Old Man” by Neil Young. “Sun is Shining” by Bob Marley is what plays on my phone to wake me up every morning. And “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” by Israel Kamakawiw’ole…simply because it’s such a happy song.

7. The first face that comes to mind when you think “punchable”?

This woman that yelled at my mom, the flight attendant that made my sister feel bad and the neighbor that said something rude to my brother. No one has ever done anything “punchable” to my dad or else they would be included in this.

8. What’s your favorite meme?

I’ve drawn a blank. No idea.

9. Dogs or cats?


10. Best concert of your life was…?

Bjork at the Hollywood Bowl. It was the perfect amount of wonderful weirdness.

11. What book are you most likely to give as a gift?

I would do a coffee table book. Mainly because, most books are very small in size and I like to have a very large present to hand over when it’s unwrapping time. I think it’s more exciting that way. But if I can’t find one that I like, I would give the Barefoot Contessa’s cookbook. I love her. I used to watch her show everyday. Her voice puts me in some sort of trance that feels amazing. Similar to how you feel when getting a massage.

12. What’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?

This award goes to my mom. Two months before my due date, she did the generous thing of suffering through a very boring bed rest while receiving painful steroid injections (twice a day) in her hip. All of this just to prevent me from coming out early. I think that was very nice of her. She’s a very special person. I wish I had more of her selflessness in my genes.

13. South Park or Family Guy?

Wonder Pets. My three year old nephew Clive has gotten me hooked.

14. You have an entire day to do whatever you want. What would you do?

Can I fly to South Africa and go on a safari?! Oh wait, the flight alone would take the majority of my “entire day.” Alright then, second choice…I take my dog to the beach. I eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich while he runs around in the sand. I go for a swim and find a family of dolphins who decide they want to swim around with me. Then…a jet ski miraculously appears out of nowhere! I ride around on that for a while. Once finding my way back to the sand, all of the people that I love the most have now arrived. We roast marshmallows, drink, eat and laugh as the sun sets. Later, I go to bed in a huge “California king” size bed with soft sheets and pillows that feel like clouds.

15. What movie can you not resist watching if it’s on?

“Best in Show” (or any Christopher Guest movie) “American Beauty” – “Bowfinger” – “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” – “The Jerk” – “Father of the Bride” – “Butterflies are Free” -“The Long, Long Trailer” (a classic Lucy & Desi movie) – “On Golden Pond” and I have to add “Deep Impact” since I got sucked into that one last week. It was way more intense than I remembered!

16. What’s your favorite sports team or teams?

When I lived in NY I got very into the Giants. I enjoy Eli Manning. I feel like we would be friends.

17. Where did you eat the best meal of your life?

Lasagna homemade by a woman named Daniella while I was on a family vacation in Tuscany.

18. The last movie you saw in a theater?

It was “Noah.” I cried an embarrassing number of times. I’m pretty sure it’s because I was feeling hormonal though.

19. Who was your first celebrity crush?

Elijah Wood! I was 10 years old, watched “The Adventures of Huck Finn” and my heart beat out of my chest. I was head over heels in LOVE. I watched the movie more times than I would like to admit, and still own the VHS. I very quickly decided that we would get married when we both reached the age of 12. (10 would’ve been way too young, but 12 seemed reasonable enough.) I never realized that Elijah Wood was an actor who was cast to play a character named Huck Finn. I just believed that he was this really cute boy named Huck, and as soon as he finished his adventures with Jim, he would appear in my 5th grade classroom. Our relationship would begin after a few weeks of exchanging flirty looks with one another on the playground. One day, while I was swinging on the monkey bars, he would just walk over to me and kiss me on the lips! How exciting. And then we would live happily ever after. In all honesty, I’m still surprised this never happened. I was so certain at the time!

20. What would you cook if Nic Cage was coming to your house for dinner?

I would go into panic mode and probably call to cancel 30 minutes before our scheduled dinner.

Follow Megan on Twitter here. And for God’s sake watch Review if you haven’t already!

(Previously: Walton Goggins)