‘Mad Men’ Just Launched A Vintage ‘For Your Consideration’ Emmy Campaign That Would Make Don Draper Proud

The Emmy competition is fierce this year so AMC is ramping up its “For Your Consideration” game for the first time ever for Mad Men in an attempt to end the series’ two year drought. And what better way to go about it than to dip into a little of that Sterling Cooper print advertising magic with pitches like “But redheads get nods”? GOLD.

AMC has just rolled out a collection vintage ads featuring the stars of the show. Per The Hollywood Reporter:

“In the past, we’ve campaigned for Mad Men by letting the show sell itself,” says AMC executive vp marketing Linda Schupack. “This year, we wanted to be a little more fun and playful.”

As with anything Mad Men — see the psychedelic season-seven poster from Milton Glaser — Weiner had a hand in the campaign. AMC also worked with The Martin Agency to insert its own photography of the actors into old-timey ads with baiting slogans, like this one for 14-year-old Kiernan Shipka: “She’s grown up right before your eyes. Show her you noticed.”

They’re all pretty great. If I had an Emmy vote and a Roger Sterling edition came through my mail I’m not sure I’d have it in me to not toss multiple Mad Men’s way. That is until FedEx drops off a package of Rust Cohle beer can men, of course.

THR via Flavorwire