Austin, Texas Wants To Erect A Statue Of Danzig Riding A Dragon

Austin, Texas, is a great place to live for delicious tacos, gorgeous parks, outdoor music festivals, and a statue of Danzig riding a dragon. None of that “old dead man staring heroically at nothing” bullsh*t — we want the guy who sang “Angelf*ck” to be mounting a mythical creature, and hey, if you can rig it so that the dragon is shooting fire at passing strangers, targeting the young and old, all the better.

The Austin Music Commission will float the mother of all memorial ideas at its regular meeting tonight: A statue of legendary rock singer Glenn Danzig mounted on a dragon and welcoming visitors to the eastern edge of Downtown Austin.

The idea for the Danzig statue is attributed to James Moody, the owner of The Mohawk, the famous live music venue that sits at Red River and 10th streets. When reached by phone Monday afternoon, Moody acknowledged the idea was mostly in jest. But he added, “if they’re willing to do it in gold, I’ll submit it as a serious idea.” The idea to immortalize Danzig, if serious, could actually meet with opposition from some corners of the local community — and not just those opposed to the provocative musical themes heralded by the quasi-Satanic rocker. (Via)

You can’t be a “quasi-Satanic.” You ride the Devil HARD, like Danzig on a dragon.