Fired WWE Stars Update: The Funkasaurus Is Going To Japan To Protect Dolphins, Curt Hawkins Has A Death Wish

If you were here yesterday, you know that WWE rampaged through their lower mid-card, firing 10 stars including former Smackdown general manager Teddy Long, Lithuanian Diva Aksana and 2/3 of 3MB. It was a tough day for fans like me who love the least successful people on the show and want them to do well.

Some of the released wrestlers are handling it well. Examples:

Others are taking a more … unexpected approach to being future endeavored.

Example: Brodus Clay AKA The Funkasaurus is taking a sudden trip to Japan to protest the hunting and slaughter of dolphins. Via TMZ, who are officially reporting unemployed wrestler vacation plans:

Brodus says he booked a trip to Japan for this summer and plans to protest dolphin hunting. He’s been passionate about the cause ever since seeing the Oscar winning documentary, “The Cove”.

The Funkasaurus tells us he’s bummed about losing his job — WWE cut a total of 9 wrestlers today — but he’s excited to do some other things — like acting and writing a book.

Brodus says he’s open to any wrestling opportunities he might get in Japan — but his main focus is “bringing awareness to the cause” of the dolphins.

I hope he’s going to stop dolphin hunters with big T-bone suplexes. It makes sense, though, if you think about it. Brodus was always billed as the “only living, breathing, rompin’, stompin’ Funkasaurus in captivity,” so maybe he’s sensitive to the plight of endangered animals.

In other “things about to get slaughtered” news, released wrestler Curt Hawkins started off positively enough — he booked appearances in New Jersey’s JCW as well as Beyond Wrestling and looks to become the next former-WWE guy proving he can “work” on the independents — aaaaaaaaaand then he got offended by an inoffensive tweet and called the World’s Strongest Man an idiot. MHOOPS!

Mark’s response was to explain that tweet was meant to celebrate his upcoming 18th year with WWE and that he had no idea about the talent releases. He also mentioned that he knows where Hawkins lives, says an apology is due and announces that he will “take care of our biz” if it isn’t given. If I was one of those promotions planning to have Curt Hawkins at a future show I’d be sending APOLOGIZE DUDE, SERIOUSLY e-mails right now.

We’ll keep you updated on any future ridiculousness involving the released performers. If Yoshi Tatsu starts driving NASCAR or something, we’ll be on it.