Watch Someone Awkwardly Explain What Grindr Is To Judge Judy

Being TV’s third best judge, behind only Judge Reinhold and Judge Fudge, has its advantages. Judge Judy makes $42 million a year for 52 days of work, AND she gets to preside over cases involving gay sex. The American dream. Anyway, Judge, that’s Judy if you’re nasty, had never heard of Grindr until a recent case involving two men who met on the app. The defendant, Adam Murphy, described it thusly, “Grindr, it’s an app for your phone or your iPad. It’s a social app that tells you where homosexual males are and their proximity to where you are.” He also added that he only uses it to make friends.

Simple enough, but Judy was having none of it.

“No, then you go on a website to make friends! You go with college friends! But you went on a particular website. I mean, if I were looking to just make friends, I wouldn’t go on a website that said, you know, it’s just for little old Jewish ladies. I would try to expand my horizons a little bit.” (Via)

Judy’d. Let’s go to the clip.

She dismissed the case, but that doesn’t matter as much as the F*ck Yeah Judge Judy Tumblr.

What a great, important show/website/moment in history.

Via Gawker