Did Kevin And Winnie Really ‘Do It’ In ‘The Wonder Years’ Finale? Fred Savage And Danica McKellar Discuss.

As many of you are already aware, The Wonder Years complete series is coming to DVD this fall thanks to StarVista Entertainment and Time Life, which — as of this morning — can be pre-ordered here. In addition to retaining virtually all of the original music of the series, as I’ve mentioned before, the set will also come with a ton of bonus features.

One such bonus feature that Time Life has exclusively provided to UPROXX reunites Fred Savage, Danica McKellar, and Josh Saviano to attempt to answer the question: Did Kevin and Winnie really “do it” in that barn in the series finale? No offense to Josh Saviano, but I don’t know why Paul gets a say in this. Although Paul technically did lose his virginity before Kevin, so actually — sure, let’s let him weigh in.

Unfortunately, the answer is frustratingly a non-answer, but if I had to decide for myself then I’d say: Yep, totally boned. What does everyone else think?