Noël Wells And John Milhiser Aren’t Coming Back To ‘Saturday Night Live’ Either

Brooks Wheelan might have been the first Saturday Night Live cast member to get the boot after the most recent lousy season, but he is certainly not the last. Joining him on the cold, lonely bus bench of featured players gone too soon are Noël Wells and John Milhiser, or as they’re probably better known by fans of the show, That One Girl and Not Ringing Any Bells. More accurately, Wells had played Lena Dunham in several Girls sketches and Nancy Grace, while Milhiser’s greatest contribution was being included in the opening cast credits. And even then, I’m not positive he was there.

According to Deadline, Mike O’Brien’s fate is also up in the air, as he could be sent back to the writers’ room or just have his on-screen time cut down some. O’Brien has proven in his 7 Minutes in Heaven web series that he has potential, but then there’s “The Bird Bible,” which was one of the most bizarre and pointless sketches I can remember from the last 10 seasons.

That’s not to imply that O’Brien was responsible for that sketch, but he certainly didn’t make it any funnier. Deadline’s Nellie Andreeva also suggests that SNL might be better off with O’Brien behind the Weekend Update desk, but Colin Jost would probably be fine if he didn’t insist on creepily smiling after every joke.

Meanwhile, Wells never did herself any favors with this weak Nancy Grace impression that sounds British at times.