Last week With Leather reported on the torrid, handwritten 18-year old romance between Michael Jordan and his “Dearest Laquette”, a girl who he’d made feel “pretty rotten” and hoped to win back with a unique brand of compliments and parenthetical explanation ←–(joke)
Well, it turns out Laquette is a real person, and she’s not sure how her love letters from the greatest basketball player of all time got into the hands of an auction house, and then the Internet.
“That was between him and me,” she said. “Not anyone else. It wasn’t for anyone else to have knowledge of it. That’s something he wrote to me, at that time, out of his heart.” So, you can imagine her surprise when she saw the two-page document on television Friday.
She suspects a family member took the letter and sold it to the auction house.
“It was mine, it was personal, it was private,” Robinson added. “And for them to take something that belonged to me and to capitalize off of it, without my knowledge, without my permission, it really upsets me.”
Here’s a full recap from ABC News.
The piece on Laquette says she’s “vowing legal action” for the 5-grand transaction that made her sports news. Well she have spent her time very wisely by talk to ABC. I hope she talk again soon. Well I must go, the period is almost over. See you next time around, which I hope comes soon.
With Our Best Love
– People who got into your personal business