Freddie Prinze Jr.’s Ex Is Clearly #TeamKiefer In The Freddie Prinze Jr./Kiefer Sutherland Death Feud

With all due respect to Kimberly McCullough, I’m not sure I knew who she was prior to last night when I saw in the notifications section of the UPROXX Twitter page that she had tweeted out a link to a post of ours. As it turns out, she’s an Daytime Emmy-winning actress with a longtime role on General Hospital, on which she portrays a character named Robin Scorpio. She is also the ex-girlfriend of Freddie Prinze Jr., whom she dated when she was young and for what appears to be a considerable length of time. This 1996 People magazine article on Prinze makes note of the relationship.

The love of his life is 18-year-old Kimberly McCullough, whom he met through a friend. She played Robin Scorpio on General Hospital until last August, when she left to study film at New York University. Says Freddie, who came to Manhattan to visit her last month: “I can only describe her as an angel. I can’t stop thinking about her.”

Now, with that little bit of background out of the way, let’s get back to the aforementioned tweet she posted last night, one in which she makes no bones about where her allegiances lie in the Freddie Prinze Jr. vs. Kiefer Sutherland beef of the century: she is clearly siding with Kiefer, who, to his credit, appears to be attempting to take the high road in all of this.

Now, I’ve no idea what went down when Prinze and McCullough broke up, and anyone who’s ever been through a bad breakup — which is pretty much everyone — knows how gutwrenchingly terrible they can be, but with the passage of time even the most gaping emotional wounds can sometimes heal. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that that wasn’t/isn’t the case in the breakup Freddie Prinze Jr. and Kimberly McCullough — there are obviously wounds here that have not healed. Dating a “douche” will do that, I suppose.