Jimmy Fallon To Release New Album In June

I have to admit it: I’ve been blown away a few times by Jimmy Fallon’s vocal talents. There I said it. Like in the Neil Young impression/cover above, dude kind of nails it. So it probably shouldn’t come as any surprise that he has an album set to be released this June.

Reports the AV Club:

It’s called Blow Your Pants Off, and it will feature an impressive supporting cast of guest stars, including Bruce Springsteen, Eddie Vedder, Paul McCartney, and Justin Timberlake. From that roster, you can probably guess that some of Fallon’s most popular bits from Late Night—his Neil Young impression, “Balls In Your Mouth,” the “History Of Hip-Hop” medleys—will likely find their way onto the record, though Fallon also promises “original” bits as well.

If there’s a Bieber cover I’m totally buying it.