One of the things that I’ve always found hilariously random about Arrested Development — taking into consideration that Arrested is a series that does hilariously random like no other — are the recurring Peanuts references. Sure, everyone loves Peanuts, but it’s still so out of left field, which is of course what makes it so funny. I’ve always been mildly obsessed with this, and even took the chance to ask Tony Hale about it that time he swung by UPROXX for a live chat. But his answer was simply “Hmmm. We love us some Charles Schulz.” NOT HELPFUL, TONY.
So just to show how layered and intricate the history of Peanuts references is on Arrested Development, I decided to go through and round them all up. Hold on to your Charlie Browns.
1. Buster’s References to His Genitals
Throughout the series, Buster refers to his penis as his “Linus” and his balls as his “Charlie Browns,” which was obviously something Lucille ingrained in him and of course he never grew out of. At the height of Arrested Development mania, I met a friend for lunch at a “Charlie Browns Steakhouse” (as it was the only option) and we pretty much just sat there and giggled like 12-year-olds throughout the meal.
Lucille: (presenting Buster with a gift) A camcorder. That’s so you can videotape it when they put you in a naked pyramid and point to your Charlie Browns.
Buster: I ought to point to Uncle Oscar’s Charlie Browns next time you’re on top of him, Mother.
Buster: They’re taking me in the army. They didn’t think there was enough wrong with me.
Lucille: Well, did they check everything?
Buster: Yes! They even touched my Charlie Browns.
Buster: A seal didn’t bite your Linus off, right?
Michael: No, a seal didn’t bite my Linus off.
And of course…
2. There was an entire episode titled “Good Grief”
Throughout the series, random characters are known to utter the phrase, however the season two, episode four episode of Arrested Development is literally called “Good Grief” — which we all know is Charlie Brown’s catchphrase. The whole episode of peppered with Peanuts references, including this subtle blink-and-you’ll-miss-it sign on the banana stand:
Which is a reference to this:
3. The Charlie Brown Walk
Speaking of those Peanuts references in “Good Grief,” that was the episode where the Charlie Brown walk was first introduced. George Michael later does it again in “The Righteous Brothers” when Ann breaks up with him — and there were also a handful of times other characters did it in the 4th season on Netflix.
4. Franklin Delano Bluth
I think this is one that a lot of people miss unless you’re a super Peanuts nerd, but it is certainly no coincidence that Gob’s African American puppet “Franklin” was named after the token black Peanut.
Franklin was pretty much the most racist thing ever which is why only a character as dumb as Gob could get away with it, so there’s no way you can tell me that the name wasn’t totally on purpose.
5. Tobias’s Acting Inspiration
This one is kind of a throwaway, but in the season four episode “Indian Takers,” when the methadone clinic asks him to fill out a form that contains questions like “how he got hooked,” Tobias responds “You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown!” Of course, the joke being that he thought he was in a method acting clinic.
6. Michael Can’t Kick A Tumbleweed
In the first episode of season four, Flight of the Phoenix,” when Michael opens the door of the model home in the now deserted Sudden Valley, a tumbleweed blows in. His inability to kick it of course is a reference to Charlie Brown not ever being able to kick the football, which Lucy always yanks away from him at the last minute.