The ‘Simpsons’ Season Premiere Couch Gag Was Weird As Hell (And Pretty Great)

Much has been made of the Simpsons/Family Guy crossover from last night. This is kind of a shame because (a) the less we discuss it the better, and (b) it’s overshadowing the season premiere of The Simpsons proper, which was pretty solid, and featured one of the strangest couch gags in the history of the show.

The two-minute clip takes The Simpsons briefly back to its origins before launching it into the distant future, where it has been retitled The Sampsans and a series of disfiguring injuries have befallen the characters. It’s really, really weird, and pretty great. (And also, according to its creator, Don Hertzfeldt, it was the longest couch gag ever.) Kudos to The Simpsons for still taking chances like this after a quarter century.

Hail Moon God.

Source: BroBible