Brewery Ommegang Has Released Its Latest ‘Game Of Thrones’ Beer: Valar Morghulis

Back in December 2012, HBO and New York’s Brewery Ommegang announced that they were teaming up to create a line of Game of Thrones-themed beers. The first three — Iron Throne Blonde Ale, Take the Black Stout, and Blood and Fire Red Ale — have been released in six-ish month increments, which is a funny thing because it’s been about six months since the last one hit the shelves and, hey, looky here, the new one just came out today. Presenting … Valar Morghulis Dubbel Ale.

In the world of Westeros, Valar Morghulis means “all men must die.” Fans of the hit HBO show chose the foreboding phrase as the name of the newest beer in the Game of Thrones® collaboration between HBO and Brewery Ommegang. As part of a Facebook poll, fan voting determined the style and name of the next beer. An Abbey Dubbel was selected and it is perfectly represented by the “two- headed” coin given to Arya Stark by Jaqen H’ghar, one of the “Faceless Men of Braavos” – legendary assassins with the ability to change their appearances at will. [Ommegang]

The people at Ommegang say the beer “possesses a deep chestnut brown color with a persistent and creamy tan head” and tastes “delicately balanced with rich malty sweetness, caramel and just enough bitterness to balance out its malty backbone.” It also checks in at 8.0 ABV in a 750 ml (25 oz.) bottle, so, you know, knock back a few of them and “Valar Morghulis,” indeed.

Here’s the bottle. My vote for the next one is “Littlefinger’s Devious-Ass Mustache Lager.” Could work.