Who Among Us Will Conquer The Charlotte Hornets’ 8-Pound Wow Burger?

Stadiums and arenas offering bigger, fancier and generally better food choices are nothing new, as each new season brings us more ridiculous meals and snacks, and especially prices, because those concession stands don’t pay for themselves. Some ballpark and court foodies would argue that minor league baseball teams have been doing it best for years, but that shouldn’t ever stop the Big 4 pro sports franchises and college programs from trying to one-up each other for some extra publicity. Last week, the Charlotte Hornets proved that they’re not only at the top of the merchandising game, but they’ve also brought some new arena foods in to bolster fan artery strength.

Everyone from ESPN’s Chief Brand Worshipper Darren Rovell to our peers in the Blogosphere have taken notice of one particular food item at Time Warner Cable Arena – the Wow Burger, AKA Hugo’s Boss Burger. According to Rovell, this monster of a hamburger is made up of 8-pounds of meat, with toppings including cheddar, bacon, lettuce and mushroom, among others. The price? A mere $70. Hey, that’s a bargain if you consider basic, pointless math.

Of course, Rovell’s image looks nothing like the one that the Hornets Tweeted last Friday (above banner) from Levy Restaurants and the TWC Arena, and nothing about this Wow Burger looks as good as the other high-end food offerings, including:

The Chicken Wedge Sandwich and Garbage Salad Grinder, which looks like something I would like to eat while making Oscar the Grouch noises at all of the people sitting around me.

The Buffalo Bacon Corn Dogs, which look way too fancy to be corndogs and should seriously just be served on a stick with a side of blue cheese (and not ranch, because stop it with ranch already).

Finally, there’s the Beef Brisket Sandwich. Let’s be honest – unless one order comes with all 10 of those, that ain’t much of a sandwich. I want that slab of beef in the background, smothered with sauce, and you know what? Toss in a piece of grilled squash. It’s a rather underrated veggie side.

(Is your pro, minor league or college team serving something that my fat ass should know about? Email us at tips@uproxx.com or Tweet it at me. I’m cooking up something fun.)