Vanilla Ice Helped This Couple Put Together The Coolest Baby Announcement Ever

Move over, Fresh Prince baby announcements, because a couple from South Florida, Jason and Emily Teck, enlisted the help of none other than Vanilla Ice himself to proclaim the pending arrival of their new addition to their family. “Ice Ice Baby” is supposedly Jason’s “jam” which he used to sing to his wife while they were dating. But how does one obtain the services of Robert Van Winkle — who hasn’t always been known to have the best sense of humor when it comes to his stage ego — for something like a punny baby announcement? According to the Huffington Post:

So when the couple learned they were pregnant with their first child, they reached out to Ice’s manager — and found the rapper was totally down to stop, collaborate and pose for a photo. Jason’s marketing agency, S4T Group, then designed the announcement.

So there you go. If you want Vanilla Ice to help you announce any big life changes, all you have to do is ask him. And maybe give him a sandwich, too. Dude’s gotta eat.