Mark Wahlberg Will Be ‘The Six Billion Dollar Man’

Like this, but after inflation.

Back in July we reported Universal wanted Marky Mark — er, Mark Wahlberg to star in a remake of The Six Million Dollar Man, which would likely be retitled The Sixty Million Dollar Man. Now the casting is official, and they’ve upgraded him to The Six Billion Dollar Man. That’s six times cool.

The Six Billion Dollar Man — inflation is a wicked pissah — will be directed by Peter Berg, who just worked with Wahlberg on Lone Survivor and is hoping we all forgot about Battleship.

We’ve also obtained an EXCLUSIVE script excerpt of a scene taking place just after Steve Austin’s plane crash:

“My leg. It’s my leg. Doc, can you fix it?”

“What’s wrong with your leg?”

“I can’t… feel it feel it.”

Seriously though, I can’t get over it being a “six billion dollar” man. That is some expensive healthcare. THANKS, OBAMA.