Watch A Ferguson Protester Yell ‘F*ck CNN!’ Right In Don Lemon’s Face

Despite pleas for peaceful protests from parties including Michael Brown’s family and President Obama, unrest has erupted in Ferguson, MO following a St. Louis grand jury’s decision not to indict Darren Wilson.

We’ve already seen live broadcasts felled by police-deployed smoke, flying rocks, and camera smashing. Now here’s a clip of some good old fashion obscenity-laced newsbombing, courtesy of a young man screaming “F*CK CNN!” right into Don Lemon’s face. (The situation may look inescapable, but Lemon totally could have avoided it by biting the protester.)

If you prefer your non-violent civil unrest on an infinite loop, here’s a Vine of the magical moment:

(Via Tripping Over Funny + Cork Gaines)