‘Agent Carter’ Beats Up Pretty Much Everybody In New Trailers

Agent Carter is a fairly unusual series; a limited series that’s a period piece from Marvel, based around a minor character. But it’s looking really good. Or at least violent enough to hold our interest.

The two trailers that just debuted, the first of which is above, essentially feature our woman Carter beating the tar out of people. There’s the dude getting his butt kicked in her apartment, the dude getting his ass handed to him with a stapler, and Ray Wise getting a verbal slapping. The second trailer is pretty much that, but also noting she’s got an awesome hat.

This will be taking over for Agents of SHIELD in January, as an eight-part series, and we’re fairly excited. If nothing else, it has the noble goal of expanding the styles and ways somebody gets a beating on national television, and that’s something we respect.