Maisie Williams Shares Some Tantalizing Thoughts On ‘Game Of Thrones’ Season 5 And ‘The End Of Arya Stark’

In an interview with The Guardian over the weekend, in which Maisie Williams talked about growing up, dealing with the Internet, and Emma Watson’s ‘first-world feminism,” a couple of quotes referring to Williams’ fate in the upcoming seasons of Game of Thrones are both illuminating and potentially confusing for non-book readers (of which Maisie Williams is one).

Vague Spoilers Ahead

Williams, who is out promoting British drama Cyber Bully, referred to something “big” in the future for Arya Stark: “There’s a big ending for Arya. They’re basically breaking her down, and you get to see behind the cracks.”

Ending? Come again?

“We’re coming to the end now, so I don’t know what they’re going to do next year. It’s the end of Arya, as far as anyone knows.”

Having not read the books, I’m not sure what Williams is referring to when she says it’s the “end of Arya,” although I do know that “as far as anyone knows” definitely refers to the fact that George R.R. Martin hasn’t yet revealed her future since the sixth A Song of Ice and Fire book hasn’t been written yet.

What we do know, however, is that the HBO series is already veering away from George R.R. Martin’s source material, and that Maisie Williams is signed on to the sixth season of the series. How does “the end of Arya” in the fifth season square with her presence in the sixth season? I’m not sure, but I suspect that book readers are grinning devilishly in their knowledge.

Source: The Guardian via Watchers on the Wall