Celebrate Hip-Hop And Hanukkah At The Same Damn Time With The Brilliant ‘Dr. Dreidel’

Listen up, hip-hop fans. Even if you don’t celebrate Hanukkah, you’re going to want to cop this brilliant seasonal goodie: The Dr. Dreidel.

Created by Bay Area artist Hannah Rothstein out of “sheer hilarity and love of puns,” it features four “faces” of the Compton rapper. As she notes on her website, each picture corresponds with the “‘aftermath’ of the dreidel’s spin.”

ג Gimmel, ‘take all,’ is a dreidel player’s dream. It gets a thumbs up from a happy Dr. Dre.
ה Hay, ‘take half,’ is no reason to party, but isn’t too shabby, hence the mildly smug portrait or Dr. Dre.
נ Nun, ‘nothing happens,’ is a boring outcome. A dead-pan Dr. Dre affirms this.
ש Shin, ‘put one in,’ is pretty depressing; the dreidel player loses an M & M or other such playing piece. But shins are seldom a chronic problem in dreidel. Dr. Dre’s definitely overreacting.

Unfortunately, Rothstein has yet to make the toy available for purchase, but she’s hoping to do so in the future. As for Dr. Dre himself, he hasn’t commented on the ingenious spinning top — probably ’cause he’s too busy rolling around in his $620 million. If only we could get Dre to do his own version of “The Dreidel Song.” Check out all the sides of the Dr. Dreidel below:

(Via ABC News and Hannah Rothstein)