‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Is Now The Most Anticipated Movie Of 2015

And now in ‘News That’ll Make You Go, Duh!’: people are really f*cking excited about that new Star Wars film. According to a recent Fandango survey, Star Wars: The Force Awakens has beat out Avengers: Age of Ultron as the most anticipated film of 2015. And according to Variety, next year is going to be HUGE for movies.

Next year is expected to be a record-breaker for the movie business with sequels to such Tiffany franchises as James Bond, Jurassic Park and Mission: Impossible all on tap. It’s such a murderer’s row that some of these films were rubbed out from the top five list of most anticipated films. (Via)

So yes, everyone — including myself — is excited for the new Star Wars flick. It’s probably a pretty safe bet that the movie will clobber Age of Ultron. But instead of trying to pick sides between Captain America and Luke Skywalker, maybe it’d be better to just applaud The Walt Disney Company as they own the damn rights to both film franchises.

Via Variety