Pam Poovey’s Phone Has Been Hacked, And These Images Are How You Get Ants

The celebrity phone hacking scandal was one of 2014’s biggest controversies. And, sadly, in the New Year the problem has already spread to the intelligence community, with Archer’s Pam Poovey being the latest victim.

What has been revealed are some of Pam’s most intimate moments. Also proof that food and sex are pretty much interchangeable for her. And, well, toss in a third thing while you’re at it…

Cyril might need to Windex his desk.

And finally, this is how you get ants.

This is of course a grotesque violation of Pam’s privacy, and we strongly condemn the hackers who have perpetrated it. But if you want more, check out more new Archerisms here as well as the season premiere of Archer, this Thursday at 10pm on FX!