‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’ Is Rated R For ‘Graphic Nudity’ And ‘Unusual Behavior’

It was hard to imagine that the first installment of the big screen adaptation of Fifty Shades of Grey, a story of hot, stinky bondage lovin’, would be anything but Rated R when it hits theaters on Valentine’s Day. But crazier things have happened, like The Expendables 3, a movie about mercenaries blowing the bad guys to smithereens in hilariously gory fashion, receiving a PG-13 rating, so there may have been some Christian Grey worshippers out there worrying that the buzzing would only be set to medium. Good news, though – Fifty Shades of Grey is indeed Rated R.

The Motion Picture Association of America has finally ruled, according to Variety, and the story of Christian Grey seducing Anastasia Steele and introducing her to a world of pleasure and subsequent danger that she has never before known is going to be just as hot and steamy as readers expect. Well, maybe not as hot and steamy, because a regular motion picture can’t be expected to capture all of the erotic glory of a story that started as Twilight message board fan fiction without pushing into the NC-17 or unrated realm. But rest assured that this film has “graphic nudity” and “unusual behavior.”

What does unusual behavior mean? I’m not sure, but I think it involves one of these…