Three Philadelphia Tourists Running Up The Art Museum Steps Encountered Rocky Balboa Himself

Three Philadelphia tourists — Peter Rowe, who recently just moved to nearby Lancaster from Los Angeles, and two friends visiting from California — did what nearly every Philly tourist does on Saturday: they ran up the famous Philadelphia Museum of Art steps. But unlike the thousands and thousands of tourists before them, Rowe and his friends actually ran into Sylvester Stallone as they neared the end of their climb.

Stallone, of course, is currently in Philadelphia shooting Creed, in which he trains the grandson of Carl Weathers’ Apollo Creed. Philadelphia’s 6ABC reports:

“He said to us, ‘Man, you guys are fast. You’re making me look bad!'” Rowe said on Tuesday. Stallone then posed for a selfie with the trio, putting up one fist. “Look tough, guys!” he said, according to Rowe.

Stallone made the art museum’s steps famous in his first turn as fictional boxer Rocky Balboa, who used them as part of his training regimen. Thousands of people now visit the steps each year to re-create the run and to take pictures with a Rocky statue, which originally was a prop in “Rocky III.”

Nice try, boys. You may have met Stallone, but to get the full Philadelphia Rocky experience you should really try running Rocky Balboa’s full route next time before racing up the Art Museum steps. Which is technically just over thirty miles long, by the way. You don’t want to look like a bunch of jabronis, do you?

(Via TheDailyEdge)