The Best Moments And Most Repeatable Lines From This Week’s Inspired ‘Always Sunny’

This week’s Always Sunny required Charlie to take charge, as he has to get the bar ready for a health inspection while the rest of the gang was pulling a scam involving live chickens, 4,000 steaks, and airline miles; there’s not enough time to explain it. The big highlight was the second act’s True Detective inspired tracking shot while the gang executed Charlie’s manic plan to cover up the mess from the health inspector. But there are some things to note from the first act.

Like why Frank flushes his clothes down the toilet

Or that the gang has a arbitration process…

… that Dennis probably dominates.

Yeah, Charlie was kind of a genius this week.

He’s also pretty good at distraction.

This was an unexpected turn.

Dennis accepted his role as bartender McConaughey

In the end, Charlie got himself a rare victory by passing the health inspection.

He also pulled off creating a joke chair…

…which will now require arbitration.