Steve Carell, Jon Stewart, And Stephen Colbert’s Sexy #TBT Might Just Break The Internet

Move over Kim Kardashian, it’s the boys’ time to bare it all.

The reality TV star may have made a noble first attempt at breaking the internet with her full-frontal, booty-licious spread in Paper magazine but The Daily Show is taking it a step further with their sexy #TBT clip of comedians Steve Carell, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert:


The magical moment first occurred back in 2001 as part of the Comedy Central show’s “Moment of Zen” segment. Shirtless, hairy and posing provocatively together while sultry, soothing jazz croons in the background, the video is, as one user Instagram user commented, the “definition of sexy.” Enjoy watching three grown men, one of whom is an Oscar nominee, throw away any ounce of pride they may possess in the name of comedy. Bravo gentlemen, bravo.

