‘Two And A Half Men’ Continues To Mess With Fans Over Charlie Sheen’s Return

Will Charlie Sheen return for the Two and a Half Men series finale? It’s the question that’s stumped Chuck Lorre purists for months. (There are probably fans out there who separate the pre- and post-Sheen episodes the way Simpsons diehards do the Golden Era and all 647 seasons since.) Ashton Kutcher all but confirmed that he’s coming back, which we believed, until Sheen tweeted a sing-song version of the show’s theme, except with extra references to getting sucked (as opposed to the show sucking, which is also true). The latest development on the Men-onite front: the title and plot description of the finale.

CBS’ Two and a Half Men is clearly having some fun with speculation about whether the deceased character Charlie Harper – and the controversial actor who played him, Charlie Sheen – will be back for the February 19 series finale.

Here’s the episode title and description: “Of Course He’s Dead — Part One and Two.” The brief description of the one-hour closer for the 12th and final season promises “surprise guest stars,” but says nothing about Sheen. (Via)

The ever-reliable IMDb doesn’t include any information beyond last night’s episode, “Boompa Loved His Hookers.” Twelve seasons in, and they still haven’t run out of hooker plots. Truly impressive. Meanwhile, Angus T. Jones is presumed dead. Or maybe he’s Randy Quaid from the past?

One of the two.

Via USA Today