Watch Joakim Noah Lose His Mind After Scoring a Goal In Steve Nash’s Soccer Game (Gifs)

Joakim Noah was playing in Steve Nash‘s soccer game last night in New York City, and he got pretty excited after scoring a goal. By pretty excited, we really mean bat s- -t crazy, I just won the NBA Championship, excited. His full-field celebration is all the more glorious because, well, he’s not the best soccer player.

Let’s break it down into three parts:

Part 1: the goal and intial celebration with his goaltender including a mismatched chest bump.
Part 2: then Noah decides to lap the field waving his index finger in the air like he just knocked off the Heat in the Eastern Conference Finals.
Part 3: lastly, he attempts another chest bump with another tiny (at least in comparison to Noah) soccer player. The results are obviously excellent.

[h/t TBJ]

What’s your favorite Joakim Noah celebration?

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