J.J. Barea Accompanied By Super Mario Bros. “Invincibility” Music

Widdle ‘Wolves guard J.J. Barea is an NBA champion, and used to date a former Miss Universe, so he’s got a good life. But is he invincible? After a writer suggested watching all of J.J. Barea’s on-court action accompanied by the Super Mario Bros. “Invincibility” music, it got made, and it’s pretty fantastic.

Writer Steve McPherson has been featured all over the Internet as his Twitter bio shows, so it’s not surprising someone took him up on his offer to splice the Invincibility music from Super Mario Bros. with Barea’s lightening quick movements around the hardwood.

Anthony Bain works in digital media and design while producing podcasts for Hoopspeak. He recently put together a video showcasing McPherson’s proposed combination. The result speaks for itself, and we guarantee you won’t be able to watch Barea without attaching said music each time he takes off in transition.

The Internet is an amazing place sometimes.



[@Steventurous; @AnthonyBain]

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