Scary Harlem Globetrotter Dunk Destroys Basket

The Harlem Globetrotters basketball team is fun for kids, and they certainly push the bounds of what is possible in a basketball game. But this is a frightening video to watch. A hoop in Honduras collapsed during a recent Globetrotters game after a monster dunk by Bull Bullard. The slam brought the entire stanchion crashing down on top of him as the backboard shatters.

Bull recovered from the spill, and he watched his Globetrotter mates finish the game (once the basket had been replaced). Don’t try these things at home kids, and if you’re big and powerful enough to pull a basket down on top of you, maybe avoid doing that in the future. We’re talking to Bull on that last one.

[Video via El Herald by way of Harlem Globetrotters]

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