Teams Kill It On Twitter With #NBASitcoms

No professional sports league in the world promotes itself through social media like the NBA. Whether it’s fodder gleaned from individual players, promotions ran by the league office, or quirky internet stuff used by specific teams, the NBA is always engaging its fans. A sizable group of clever franchises continued the latter trend today, using the Twitter hashtag #NBAsitcoms to combine the public’s love of hoops and (mostly crappy) television.

Some of our favorites from a wealth of good options:







…and our winner:


Still, no team did #NBAsitcoms better overall than the Denver Nuggets. This is some quality, quality Twitter work:





The offseason’s downtime is finally here. While a respite from legitimate NBA news is almost never welcome, after the waterfall of player movement in early July it’s nice to get a minor break before the cycle randomly kicks back into gear. The league’s teams are clearly enjoying it, too.

What do you think of #NBAsitcoms?

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