The Best ‘Who Wore It Better?’ Memes From The 2015 Grammys

piggy gaga
TriStar Pictures/GETTY IMAGES

Are there people who watch the Grammys because they genuinely care who wins? I mean, sure. There are also probably people who think Beck’s Morning Phase is the Album of the Year. Doesn’t mean I want to meet them, though. If you’re a normal human, you spend three hours of your short life watching a ridiculous celebration of all things music (except the music you like) because it’s fun comparing people more famous than you to various fictional characters and/or foods. Here’s some of the finest look-alike memes the 2015 Grammys has produced so far.

Rihanna or a cake topper

Lady Gaga or Miss Piggy

Charli XCX or Party Down

Pharrell or Grand Budapest Hotel

Sia or Lady Gaga

Sia or Roseanne Roseannadanna

Kim Kardashian or Ric Flair

Hozier or Jon Snow

Iggy Azalea or Lego-Head

Katy Perry’s shadow dancer or Left Shark