This MMA Fight Ended With A Hadouken

Just a few minutes ago at World Series of Fighting 18, Shane “Shaolin” Campbell took on Derek “The Gargoyle” Boyle in a welterweight bout. Campbell was handily winning the fight going into the third and final round. In the third, Campbell landed a body kick, and well, just look at what happened next:

Yeah, Campbell stepped back from his hurt opponent to throw a F*CKING HADOUKEN! Or maybe it was a Kamehameha? Whatever, it was a damn fireball, and it happened in the middle of an actual mixed martial arts fight, not afterwards, like Carlos Newton, or during a pro wrestling match, like Kenny Omega or ACH. Dude kicked his opponent in the body, LAUNCHED AN ENERGY BEAM ATTACK, then continued fighting and pummeled his opponent. Amazing, Shane Campbell is a new favorite of mine.