Neil Patrick Harris Has A Magic Room In His House With A Secret Door, Because Obviously

It’s a pretty well-known fact that Neil Patrick Harris is a big fan of magic, in addition to being a performer of the dark arts himself. Harris has even served as a former President of the Board of Directors of Hollywood’s fabled Magic Castle (parodied on Arrested Development), so it was no surprise that when requesting a role on American Horror Story: Freak Show, Ryan Murphy had just the part for him.

Last night, Jimmy Kimmel asked NPH — set to host this Sunday’s Academy Awards — if it was true that he kept a magic room in his house, especially now after he’s moved from Los Angeles to New York City. That answer would be an unequivocal yes. Harris’ secret magic room also sounds like the most fun thing ever, even if I’m not exactly clamoring to be his assistant.

Earlier in the interview, Harris talked about prepping for the Oscars and straddling the line of coming up with fresh jokes and not being mean, but still being funny. Hosting the Oscars kind of sounds like the most stressful thing ever. I don’t think I’d ever want to do that.